Lensing Perspective

Anuki Gunawardena
3 min readMay 31, 2022

With time they say things get better. Things get easier the more responsibilities fall on your plate. After all, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade, right? Things get easier when your eggs are softly poached, coffee remains hot to the last drop, relationships always remain happy, bullshit sounds like advice and obsession becomes love. Things get better with time, they say. But, does it?

What does ‘’better’’ mean to you?

A happier marriage? A depression-free life? A better job? A higher promotion? More sex? More food on the plate? Hitting the Dean's List? A healthier diet? Drinking more water? Lesser working hours? You see, your better isn’t always better for another. But, is the worst may be mundane. Maybe it’s already in your pocket. The wad of money others come across on their Instagram stories. According to philosophers

Perspective is the thing that in the face of unwanted circumstances allows us to say, “It’s been worse,” or, “It could be worse.” In that moment, we’ve asserted mental dominance over the perceived oppressor. We overrode our default narrative, deciding how we would see it versus the it deciding for us. Or in the words of one of the great lyricists of our day Missy Elliot, we put the thing down, flipped it and reversed it. — https://www.thephilosophyofeverything.com/

Our perception of circumstances varies on the base of the discipline we have over our thoughts. I smirk as I type this because I lack discipline in my chaotic mind. Yet I strive. After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right? It’s being more accountable for what you think, or ‘perceive’, see either in account for or despite what you’ve learned, experiences you’ve embraced, or despised. Reframed perception is like meditation. Takes practice, reframes our past, investigates our present, and frees us from uncontrollably deciding where life may take us amidst the ambiguity of life itself. This can route two ways.

Emotional reasoning or logical reasoning, or a combination of both with more bias to one than another. Reframing perspective to transcend destructive emotions in non-ideal circumstances to bring peace, i.e. permission before the disruption. I guess when people say ‘you are your happiness’ it means to lessen the leeching attachment you have towards externalities and find your inner ropes. This is hard. Hard for those who haven’t felt fulfillment since childhood, or lack confidence. Sums my life up.

Note: Cut out whatever makes you desireless, as what consumes your attention shapes your desires.

Your better is a collective engagement of your rooted beliefs, habits, thoughts, and mainly, YOUR PERSPECTIVE. So used to enlarging the lens, that your tears fall bigger and longer, and your suffering enlargens with your cries.

My goal? Reading enough writings to alter my ‘someday’ to ‘now’ with a reframed perspective. After all, quirks and quiddities of humanity appear to be but a querulous quark when viewed from all eternity.

Microscopic lenses of eyeing concerns minimize the potency of pain. Let me rephrase that, see it on a smaller scale and your suffering will subside, significantly. Perspective, it's a telescope with wavering strengths, two sides, to enlarge or to minimize. Your speculative factors are your own and no one else's. A string of wisdom, awareness, and eagerness to alter your three precepts, mind, body, and soul is a start. The ‘better start’? Lens the ‘you’ in the third person, the observer, for self-therapy to minimize the intensity and trouble we feel and endure, respectively.

After all,

“It is the obvious which is so difficult to see most of the time. People say ‘It’s as plain as the nose on your face.’ But how much of the nose on your face can you see, unless someone holds a mirror up to you?”
Isaac Asimov, I, Robot



Anuki Gunawardena

Noob to blogging. I like poetry, skincare, makeup, food, travel and music. I write stuff.